animal, fox, sleep

Pandemic fatigue is a real thing

Pandemic fatigue is a real thing. I am feeling it and I know others are feeling it too. It is fortunate that people are writing and sharing about it so we feel less alone and confused by the symptoms we are experiencing.

Of course we are fatigued. It’s been almost a year of sheltering in place and working from home and home-schooling for many of us. Add in crazy-making political issues including an election and sedition and the real effects of climate change including fires and the recent snow storms, which have created more stress on everyone. 

And at some point, it just feels like too much. Taking walks, reaching out for support, eating well,  and basic self care is just not sufficient anymore. All I want to do is sleep. So for the last week, I gave myself permission to do just that. I got done what I had to do. I saw clients, I did my work, I ate, I communicated when necessary. And then I got into bed and went to sleep. I felt like a bear hibernating in my cave. I just needed to rest. 

Honesty is my policy

Now let me say that it does not feel easy to admit to this. For some reason, as a therapist, I believe that I am supposed to have it all together, have it all figured out.  We all wear masks to hide our weaknesses. But we are all going through this intense experience at the same time and I think it’s most helpful to be authentic and honest about it. Some days and weeks just feel harder than others. 

Blanket permission

Many people are going through similar things and I want to say, if you need to rest and you can take a break, do it. I notice a general theme between colleagues, friends and clients, that we all need permission to take a break. This could be due to our need to be productive, our focus on always doing in a society that values what you do, not always who you are. The biggest thing this year has taught me is the need to slow way down. So I offer you blanket permission to take a break and to rest, to allow yourself to unplug when you need to. To grab your blanket and lay down, in your bed, on the couch or on a sunny patch of grass, shut your eyes, quiet your mind and rest. 

I know that it’s not possible for everyone to just check out when they need it, with demanding jobs, kids being home-schooled, and a plate full of responsibilities. But the pandemic is real, the fatigue is real and it doesn’t just go away. Even a 5 minute break can do wonders. 

This is hard work. Life plus everything else. We all deserve to have self compassion and kindness for the reality of the current situation we are in. Yes, some people have it harder than us but that doesn’t mean what we are experiencing is not tough. It is. I hope you are taking a moment out to nourish yourself, allowing yourself in whatever way that is, no matter how simple or basic it may feel. I’d love to hear how you are replenishing yourself. If you feel that speaking with a professional would be helpful, schedule a consultation with me or request a referral. Please take care of your needs, you are precious.

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