"The good life is a process, not a state of being. It is a direction, not a destination." Carl Rogers
Currently, all therapy services all available via secure video or phone

Therapeutic Resources
Below are a few therapeutic resources that may be useful for you. Also, please visit my blog for additional free mental health resources.

Crisis and Emergency
Text or call 988 Multnomah County: 503-988-4888 Clackamas County: 503-291-9111 Washington County: 503-655-8401 National Suicide Prevention Lifeline 1-800-273-8255 Gay and Lesbian National Hotline 888-843-4564

Self Compassion and Mindfulness
Self Compassion, Kindness and Body Scan Meditations and Practices

Attachment Assessment
Find out your Attachment Style with this free and easy assessment
Consultation with Jessica

We all have times when we feel buried beneath the challenges of life and we need a gentle, caring and compassionate hand to help us out. You are feeling depressed, anxious, hopeless, lost, alone. The things that once brought you relief or even pleasure no longer do. The people you used to rely on for support are burdened with their own problems. The world no longer feels like a safe place. You have dreams, hope and purpose but you feel a loss of motivation, energy and interest. You know that getting support would help but where do you begin and how can you trust a stranger with your fears and pain. We all have times when we feel buried beneath the challenges of life and we need a gentle, caring, compassionate hand to help us out. I bring my own life experience and challenges with mental health as well as years of personal growth, professional training and compassionate intuition to our work together. Please reach out for a consultation.